FRI-SUN 26 - 28 SEP 2025
The Australian Cultural Fund provides a means for supporters of Tyalgum Music Festival to make tax deductible donations by providing Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status to our Festival. Feel free to get in touch with us on 0409 476 473, as well as the ACF with any questions.
Please click HERE to complete a donation form directly on the ACF website -- supporting the Tyalgum Music Festival is a simple and fast process. Simply click the green "Donate" button on the web page and enter your details.
Refer to "Acknowledging Your Support" in the next column in this page to se how how your donation will be recognised by the Tyalgum Music Festival.
Additionally, if you would like your donation directed to a specific purpose, artist or event, please call us on 0409 476 473 or use the contact form below.
The Tyalgum Music Festival prides itself in showcasing exceptional talent. You can help us ensure this fine tradition continues by sponsoring an artist (or group) who perform at the Festival, or by sponsoring a full performance.
Your sponsorship helps fund the rising costs of bringing these artists to the Festival, is tax deductible through the Australia Cultural Fund and can be acknowledged publicly or you may choose to remain anonymous.
Please telephone us on 0409 476 473 to learn more about this worthwhile and rewarding initiative.
The Festival is a not-for-profit organisation with gift-recipient status. We welcome inquiries from interested sponsors and supporters.
Please use the form below, or email us:

Orchid Level - $2,000 or more
Sponsorship of one Festival concert
You will receive: two complementary Weekend Tickets; two additional tickets to a concert of your choice; recognition in Festival newsletters and on the Festival website; complimentary business card and in printed program (for a business); an opportunity to meet with the artists.
Coolamon Level -
Sponsorship of a concert and/or artist
You will receive: two complementary Weekend Tickets; recognition in Festival newsletters, website and programme.
Blueberry Ash Level -
Sponsorship of an artist
You will receive: two complementary tickets to concert(s) of choice; recognition in Festival newsletters, website and programme.
Quandong Level - $250-$499
You will receive: one complimentary ticket to concert of choice; recognition in Festival newsletters, website and programme.
Banksia Level - $40 -$249
You will receive: recognition in Festival website and programme.
We would really like to keep in touch with those of you who have supported Festival over the years. Our newsletters, website updates and this year's early offer of gold passes and concession rates are ways we hope to do the best by our supporters.
We welcome your feedback and we hope to see you again this year.
Individuals can support the Festival directly by helping out in ways such as accommodating or transporting an artist during the Festival weekend, or by giving of their time or talents in other ways.
Volunteer help is needed and greatly appreciated in the following areas:
Prior to the Festival Weekend -
Getting the word out
Distribution of promotional and
marketing materials
During the Festival Weekend -
Box Office and Administration
Set up, break down, maintenance Transportation
Backstage and artist support
First Aid and Special Needs assistance
We are more than happy to welcome new volunteers. Whatever you feel your strengths may be, we're happy for you to put your hand up. Please use the form below or email us: